Moneos Account

By partnering with us, you have all the tools you need to manage, track and control your payments.

Tailored to your business

Move your money

Control your funds with our multi-platform management system built for convenience - load your card, accept payments, transfer money out.

Wield your spending power

With your account comes the option of the Moneos One Card and App - spending your business' finances has never been so simple.

Complete Safety

Your account prevents the exposure of your sensitive data even if your card or phone is lost or stolen - your account is secure, always.

Why us?

Low transaction fees

We provide competitive transaction costs that minimise your losses.

Real-Time Settlement

For any disputes, we will listen and conduct fair investigations to ensure you are protected.

Need help?

Our account managers are always there to assist you in your time of need.

Account FAQs

From day one of signing up your account is in your name, ready for use!

As business owner, you will be the primary named account holder.

At Moneos, we are always growing and expanding with new solutions, and into new markets. If not now, we will soon!

Whether through our app collaborations, or the app itself, you will always have access to your details and features, 24/7.

© 2025 Moneos. All rights reserved.